Pork Floss

Pork Floss


-100gm per pack



20% Promotion (Mar)

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Pork Floss

Made with premium pork thigh, this mouth-watering Pork Floss is finely shredded, mixed in with a unique blend of sauce, then dry- fried until perfection. It has so much flavour and gives such a great boost when added to dishes, and not to mention, a great snack by itself!

经过精细切割的猪腿肉配上特制酱汁再炒乾后而製成的金黄美味食品- 原味猪肉丝。 您不止可以单独食用,配上别的菜肴,绝对是美味佳肴的关键所在。


Packaging Size 包装尺寸


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